Study: 37% of Fortune 100 companies disregard Web inquiries
Thanks to B2B Online’s newsletter for this one:
Technology consultancy International Ventures Research will release a 430-page study this Friday on how Fortune 100 Web sites stack up in their treatment of customers. The study found that 37% of Fortune 100 companies offered no reply to a general inquiry submitted to their Web site, despite offering either an online form or e-mail contact details for inquiries. Forty-five percent of sites force customers to opt out if they don’t wish to receive unsolicited e-mails from the site. Fifteen percent of sites sell customer data without seeking permission to do so. Eighty-three percent of sites offer no auto-response function to notify customers that their communication has been received and will be acted upon. According to IVR, its Customer Respect Index (CRI) is a “qualitative and quantitative, in-depth analysis and independent measure of a customer’s online experience when interacting with companies via the Internet.” The index tracks 25 different Web site attributes that contribute to the online customer experience. Customer Respect
Looks like you have to pay for the full report, but us small timers should be able to learn enough from the above information.