Would you go to this trade show?

I’ve gotten a few emails from this show promoter this year. Well written, honest, persuasive copy. But would I book this show? No. There is some magic missing, marketing magic, I think. If the booking promotion is missing that magic, the attendee promotion will also be missing that magic.

Here it is with the show name and city redacted:

The First Industry Wide All Inclusive Affordable Event in *Bigtown*!

Hello Exhibitors,

Many Exhibitors told us they schedule their tradeshow participation in late November and December. We were asked to send an industry reminder in late November. If you have not reserved your booth as yet please do so now!

The *Bigtime* Expos is the industry leader that delivers a paramount event that is the most affordable. We keep our word and our 2014 event is just $16 per foot. Our price is about ½ the cost of the other shows and we expect to deliver more qualified attendees. We believe you come to a tradeshow to make money, increase your brand awareness and protect your market share. We are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and our prices is just part of how we will help you.

Our mission is to enable your success. We devote ourselves completely to this mission and we will leave no stone unturned. When you succeed we succeed. We listen to your concerns and interests and in return, we hope they will make a mutual commitment to us. We work hard to gain your trust.
Ask yourselves:

  1. Do you mind paying $30.00 or more per square foot for Association tradeshows?
  2. Would you rather pay less (about ½) and get similar or better results?
  3. Are you tired of the other high costs besides the floor space associated with exhibiting?
  4. Why are Association shows charging you so much?
  5. Have the association shows forgotten their function is to help the industry and members?
  6. Do you want a better deal?
  7. Want to meet new qualified buying attendees?

The *Bigtime* Expos was started as the first all inclusive affordable meeting event for the entire industry in *Bigtown*. We want to make the *Bigtime* Expos the main event for the industry and we hope our super saver low prices will be the deciding factor to have you participate. We have done our part to make our expo the must attend, all inclusive, industry wide event and we hope you will do your part and join us in 2014 and the future.

A win, win for the industry. Exhibiting in the *Bigtime* Expos is in your best interest. By exhibiting you send a clear message to the other shows. When they see most are exhibiting we suspect they will decide they must also lower their rates to be competitive with our event. They do not want to lose participation and since they already appear to follow what we do they most likely will lower their price saving the industry big money.

If you want these super low prices it is imperative you exhibit or it will be business as usual. We are confident without our super low prices the only way they would change their prices would be to increase them. As I hope you agree it is the smart decision to exhibit at *Bigtime* Expos!

Note: No Union problems in *Bigtown* with our event. As long as you use your employees you may assemble and remove your own booth.

We expect 20,000+ Attendees! *Bigtime* Expos is the Media Event and Industry Meeting Expo not to be missed. If you will trust us we believe your results will more than meet your expectations and you’ll be looking forward to participating for years to come. We hope you will select the 2014 *Bigtime* Expos

There, it’s missing magic, I can’t tell you what, but it is so obvious. If I showed you the show logo, it would confirm that feeling, but even without it the text just lingers … and not in a good way. Could this event be saved with some big-time magical marketing? How does one build from nothing to something effectively?

What is your reaction?